Monday 18 February 2008

Let the sun shine in....

What a beautiful day! I woke earlier than usual to sun creeping around the edges of my blinds. It was so bright I thought I'd slept in late, but it was only 7.38am on a crisp and sunny Monday morning.

Monday is housework day around here. I usually write myself a To Do list, even though I know exactly what needs doing, because it just feels so GOOD to cross things OFF that list as I go.

It was a very pleasant minus four Celsius outside, so I turned the thermostat down and opened some doors and windows. What a treat to move some of the stale air out of the house. We like to have a wood fire in our family room on winter weekends so being able to give the house an airing today was perfect.The house was vacuumed (what I love about vacuuming is that the tidying gets done as I go and everything looks so much better), the bathrooms were cleaned, the plants were watered, a few loads of laundry were "processed" and I made up another bucket of laundry soap. All of the garbage was taken out along with the recyclables and it was all left at the top of the drive for collection tomorrow.

After all this activity, the doors and windows were closed up again and I looked at the thermostat - the temperature in the house (upstairs anyway) hadn't dropped below 17 degrees, thanks to the sunshine pouring in.

I had time this afternoon to try some Pilates on the exercise ball with the help of a library book I found on Saturday, and lifted a few weights (that activity has been sadly neglected recently but ideally I'd like to get into the habit of weight-training every other day).

I called my mechanic - the Festiva needs a new distributor and they have ordered one, so it should be back to health very soon.

Raw Score:
Saturday 75%

Sunday 70%

Monday 62%

1 comment:

Heather said...

Hey, were you hiding in my basement with your camera? That laundry picture looks an awful lot like my place today.